Six Secrets
to Success from a
Six-Figure WAHM (Work At Home Mom)
By Ann K.
My office is 10’ by
10’. My desk is covered with bills, knitting needles, photos waiting
for albums, stamps, envelopes for mailing books, chocolate covered
espresso beans, Crayola Color Explosion markers, thank you notes, a
hello kitty pencil, and a magazines I haven’t had a chance to read. My daughters slip
checkers under the door as I work. They knock - persistently
inquire as to whether they can have string cheese. Occasionally,
they do this while I’m on the phone with a client. Yet, I run a
million dollar business under these conditions, and I am my sole
employee. How do I do it?
I have six secrets
to managing everything that comes with being a WAHM (Work at Home
Mom). Whether you have a paying job or the full time job of running
your household, these tips will help you manage your life in a way
that allows you to enjoy what you do.
Delegate. Figure out what needs to be done by you and
what can be done reasonably well by someone else. I want to be the
person who takes my kids to school and sees my kindergartener line
up when the bell rings. I do not need spend six hours making cookies
for the PTA bake sale just to raise $25 for the school. My time is
better spent working so I can earn the $25 and donate it to the
I do not need to be
the person who returns things to stores and runs to the drug store.
I found a great errand running service that helps me grocery shop
and take items to the tailor and dry cleaner when I do not have
time. I also have a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) friend who wants to make
extra money so she will run some errands for me and mail out my
books from home when someone places an order on my website. If you
do not have money to spend on this kind of help, find a friend who
always does Cosco or Target runs and ask her to pick up a few things
for you and agree to watch her child or walk her dog in return.
Use the stopper. Do you feel like time runs out of your
day like water down the bath drain? Find the leak and stop it. I
used to complain I had no time to get to the gym, but I knew I was
spending an hour and a half each day on Facebook and Twitter and
probably another thirty minutes browsing for things I couldn’t
afford (or just flat out would never buy) online. I cut myself off
of these activities for a week, and found I could return and just
spend 20 minutes a day on my online activities. Facebook and Twitter
is work related for me, so I can justify that investment. With the
“extra” time, I actually make it to Pilates class twice a week.
Evaluate where you
are wasting time and just delete it. I actually decided - after
three seasons of dedication - to forego Grey’s Anatomy so I have
time to read and participate in a book club with a group of dynamic,
inspiring women. I’m even considering giving up American Idol this
Retain Focus. During my busy season with work, I stop
making play dates - for myself and for my kids. No more lunches or
coffee dates with friends. Unless someone wants to go along on my
weekly 3-mile run, my friends know to count me out of things three
months out of the year. I make up for it by taking them out for
really nice dinners on their birthdays, and I try to say hello on
Facebook, but I make no plans.
I protect my
schedule so I can focus on work when I need to be working. I do not
schedule routine doctor appointments for me or the kids during my
busy months. Also, I never schedule workouts or meetings for the
non-profit board that I chair on Mondays because I anticipate that
I’ll have more emails and phone calls waiting for me after the
weekend. By scheduling myself according to what I can handle, I
avoid feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis.
Block Your Time. Designate time for priority activities
by blocking it out on your calendar. I want one afternoon a week to
spend with my girls when I do not have to work. I work only a
half-day on Fridays to take my daughters out for frozen yogurt, to
the library, or to the park. Friday afternoons are light work days
and usually unproductive due to exhaustion. I’m in need of a break
and so are my kids. I don’t schedule anything on Friday nights
because that’s family time to have a quiet evening at home. Nothing
goes on my calendar on Friday after lunch.
I commit myself to
classes at the gym by putting three on my calendar every week. I
don’t schedule phone calls or meetings at those times so I have no
excuses not to go. I schedule calls with people on email and
Facebook instead of playing phone tag so I know when I’ll have time
to concentrate on larger projects without the phone being a constant
The Rule of One. I only let my daughters do one
extracurricular activity. Not per day - per semester. Twice a year,
each child gets to pick whether she wants to do ballet or soccer or
art or swimming. Therefore, I’m not running around town with my head
cut off on a daily basis. I stick to the same rule myself. I sit on
only one non-profit board at a time. I belong to only one book club
at a time. I say “no” to things that do not really interest me; I
never feel obligated to sell raffle tickets for the preschool or
attend parent meetings on a regular basis. No one seems to mind, or
label me a neglectful parent, and everyone seems very happy to
accept my financial contributions and presence when I am able to
arrange it.
I keep errands
located downtown on the same day (lunch meeting, nail appointment,
store return, tailor) so I am only running errands one time per week
rather than taking an hour out of my day every day. If I have a
board meeting or lunch with a friend, I schedule no other
out-of-office time that day. My workout has to be the next day, and
my dentist appointment has to be the day after that. That way, I can
still be productive for 5-6 hours that day, rather than have any
particular day end up a complete waste.
6. �Invest
in Others. Rather than just say hello to the other
moms at drop-off and go about your day, make an effort to get to
know one new person each week. Pick the person who always smiles at
you, whom you always say hello to but aren’t quite sure what her
name is or which child is hers. Really ask her about herself and
take ten minutes to learn her story. She might be the person who
ends up inspiring you most. You might learn that she also takes care
of aging parents, or that her husband is overseas, or that she is
the marketing director for some huge company. Take inspiration from
the stories you hear and remember that we are all busy - it’s about
how you handle the busy-ness, and business, of life that matters.
Ann K.
Levine, Esq., is a work at home mom, law school admission
consultant, and owner of Law School Expert. She brings her
experience as director of admissions for two ABA law schools and
five years as a law school admission consultant. More than 100,000
law school applicants and pre-law students depend upon Ms. Levine’s
advice as a guide through the daunting law
school application process. She is the author of the new book, The
Law School Admission Game: Play Like An Expert.
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