Don’t Let Your
Emotions Control You
By Shari Frisinger
You hurriedly walk
into your office at 9:30 in the morning. You told your boss
yesterday that you had to stop by a client’s office first thing, and
assured him you would definitely meet your noon deadline. He was ok
with it. All you need is one uninterrupted hour to complete your
report. You poke your head in your boss’ office to tell him you are
in and are still on track to meet the deadline. Instead of a simple
acknowledgement, he immediately explodes - yelling and berating you
for once again being late and not caring about deadlines, the
company’s reputation and the department’s bottom line. He continues
with the bad position you have put him in because now he has to
explain to his boss why you came in late and missed the hard
deadline that had been set for months. He then proceeds to project
what will happen to him, and subsequently to you, after he gets
chewed out by his boss.
What just happened?
Your boss just lost control of his sanity and let his emotions
totally take over. He gave permission for his reactions to bypass
his logical, rational mind. His brain put him into a ”fight or
flight” mindset and took the rest of his body with it. Physically
his heart rate increased, his breathing became faster and shallower,
and cortisol rushed through his brain as adrenaline shot through his
body. Because his focus became very narrow, he reverted to actions
he had taken in the past when confronted with similar situations,
whether these actions were successful or not. And, after he calms
down, he will regret his words and his actions - and you can expect
an apology - again.
So why do we allow
this to happen? Let’s step inside the human mind to dissect the
situation. We feel before we think - our emotions and our intuition
precede our thoughts. Our rational thoughts can be manipulated by
memories of past events --- especially when those memories bring up
emotional reactions. � The more emotional the memory, the stronger
and faster we are affected by it.
The front part of
your brain is your rational brain. This is where your logic,
consciousness and abstract thoughts reside. It encompasses
approximately two-thirds of your brain’s total size. “Inside” your
rational brain is your emotional brain. This part houses your
emotions, and where your pre-conscious memory begins. These two
merge to label experiences as positive or negative, enjoyable or
painful. The part of your emotional brain that generates emotions
is your amygdala.
When our emotions
take a strong hold on us and we react to the current
situation, our amygdala, becomes hijacked. The brain positions the
body and thought processes to fight the intruder or to flee and live
another day. This narrow focus lasts for up to 20 minutes, and the
toxins released into the body remain for four hours.
Your mind has the
ability and capacity to change your reality - at least your
perception of reality. The rational, thinking part of the process
doesn’t stand a chance to emerge until emotions are exhausted and
the person is spent. It is at this time when the rational brain
activity kicks in and the person realizes they have made a complete
fool of themselves. They then regret their actions, feel
embarrassed or guilty, and remorse causes them to apologize and eat
However in that
split nanosecond before we consciously feel, we tell ourselves a
story. This story is based upon our past, something that deeply
affected us emotionally. This story can set our amygdala into a
frantic state, a hijack. What type of stories do you tell
yourself? Depending on what you value and how you perceive
yourself, it can range from “your work is not accurate” to “you are
not liked by your colleagues” to “you are not good enough”.
In the opening
example, the “stories” that may have run through the boss’ mind
might be something like this:� “Last time I missed a deadline my
boss called me ineffective and didn’t give me any important projects
for nearly a year - my colleagues stayed away from me - my team lost
respect for me - if I do it again my reputation will be ruined - I
will never be promoted - I won’t be given any additional
responsibilities - I may lose my job!”� The brain remembers past
experiences and perceives this as another ‘fight or flight’
situation. All this can occur in nanoseconds and without the boss
himself realizing it. ���
There are two ways
to stop this “hijack” from occurring:
Know what your
hot buttons are and why they set you off. If certain
words, or a certain tone of voice immediately makes you
defensive, think about what that reminds you of … Parents?
Teachers? Ex-friend? And how did that make you feel? Work
through this in your mind by telling yourself “that was then,
this is now ... This situation is different.”
How do you
react, and how do others perceive your reactions? You may think
you have a poker face, yet others can see the daggers coming
from your eyes. Does the smile on your face appear genuine, or
strained, or more like a sneer?
If the “hijack”
situation still occurs, there are ways to handle it:
apologize for your reactions, and explain what set you off.
Sometimes simply explaining what else is going on in your
environment and in your mind will shed a light on your
reactions. “I apologize for blowing up on you. The boss had
just given me unrealistic deadlines, and unfortunately I took it
out on you” or “I am sorry for how I reacted. With the stress
of work, and home, your news was the straw that broke the
camel’s back.”
Now that you
are calmer, ask if you can revisit their conversation? “I have
taken care of that crisis, and would like to hear your
perspective on … Do you have time now to present it?” “Now that
I have mentally adjusted my attitude, I am in a better frame of
mind to hear what you came in to tell me. Is now a good time
for you?”
Stay open to
what he or she tells you. By doing that, you will reinforce his
value to you and the company. You will also unconsciously
remind him that you are the boss that he thought you were. As
your mind can only focus on one attention-getting activity, this
will help get your mind off whatever set you off and on to a
more productive task.
Being aware of what causes you to react, and harness those strong
emotions, can help make you more productive. It can also reiterate
the values and worthiness of your team members. And who would not
want to work for a manager that inspires you to grow and succeed!
Read other articles and learn more about
Shari Frisinger.
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