The “Being Nice”
Strategy…Does It Work?
By Julia M. Rahn, Ph.D.
A seventh grade teacher once told his class that he
didn’t understand what “being nice” meant. “What is being nice?” he
asked. He said that nice was such a nondescript word that really
didn’t give any direction of how to be or describe a set of
behaviors. No one in the class had any comment as they were just 12
years old and were always being told to be nice. As many business
people continue to run their businesses, the question of how nice
they should be as a salesperson, program coordinator, boss, renter
(and the list could go on for each of the hats worn each day) is
often on their minds.
The dictionary says nice is defined as pleasing,
agreeable and delightful. These three words will get you labeled as
“nice,” but will not necessarily advance your business career. To be
pleasing, agreeable and delightful means that you are acting and
making decisions based on always having others leave meetings happy
and getting exactly what they want, many times at your expense. It
may seem like your customers are pleased with the deal but if you do
not feel good about your agreement or are unable to follow through
on your word, your customers won’t feel good for long. And don’t
forget about your real needs to make a profit, fulfill sales quotas,
or pay your utility bills. If you give away your services or
products to make others happy, your business won’t survive very
For example, you are a contractor who has been asked
by an advertising agency to build out new office space. You would
like the work, but the agency has a limited budget. Being nice and
accommodating, you offer them a proposal that is below your bottom
line and promise to get the work done on their timeline. As you get
started, you see that the job is much bigger than expected and you
need to inform the owners that you cannot possibly do the entire
project based on the current contract. The Ad agency of course is
upset and pushes you to stay within your budget. You end up losing
money in the end and the Ad agency isn’t happy because of the extra
funds needed and that you finished one month after you promised to
get your work completed. You were being nice during contract
negotiations but in the end everyone felt bad. You are very
unlikely to get a future referral from the Ad agency and the money
and time lost on this project threatens the future viability of your
So if being nice isn’t an effective strategy, what
can you do? You can work to have your clients and customers be truly
satisfied with your services or products. Your job is to meet the
real needs of your clients as well as meet your own business
needs. In this way, you give good service to both your clients and
your business. To do this you must remember and act on three things:
Know your ideal customers. By knowing what type of customers
your business needs and serves the best, you can more effectively
find this population to promote your products and services. The
chance of finding and creating a good match between provider and
client is greatly increased when you are just looking and meeting
the people who fit your ideal customer base. Metaphorically
speaking, if you are fishing for salmon, don’t go to a small pond
where only Koi live.
2) Promise only what you can do - refer out when
Really knowing what you can and cannot offer will
help everybody in the end. Clients need and want to know the
exact parameters of what they are contracting for and expect that a
job will be completed as stated. Knowing what to expect and getting
your expectations met is far better than leaving a meeting feeling
like a super deal was had. People like to be taken care of and will
pay for this service. If you are not able to meet the needs of a
potential client, state this ahead of time and give referrals of
providers that may be able to work at a lower fee or provide a
special service that you do not offer.
Follow through. At the end of the day, your word is what
truly matters. Of course contracts are important, but contracts are
really the written extension of your spoken word. So any
stated promise, no matter how small, must be followed through on.
If you said you would make a referral, make the referral. If you
said you would return a phone call or get back to a client by email,
make the call or email promptly. If you said you would get
information, a proposal, or contract out to a customer, don’t delay,
as this needs to be on top of your list.
And when you truly take the time to think and try these ideas out,
you will find it is easier to follow through on promises made to
ideal clients. You will feel more confident that your clients will
be satisfied with your work, make your necessary profit, and wrap up
the job with everyone involved feeling positive. In the end, “being
nice” seems to have little to do with business success. Save being
pleasant, agreeable, and delightful for the cafeteria line,
corporate social functions, and vacation, but be kind and take a
service approach when working with your clients and customers. In
other words, work with conscious intention to meet the needs of your
clients and yourself but still play nice.
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Julia M. Rahn, Ph.D.
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