Does Your Company’s
Planning Have Strategic Intelligence?
By Ron Price
In the realm of
personal development, it is widely accepted that people have
emotional intelligence, which is defined as a balance between
self-awareness and social awareness. Companies have an
“intelligence” too. And the definition of emotional intelligence
that we use with individuals is an apt metaphor for what helps an
organization be strategically intelligent.
Self Awareness +
Social Awareness = Emotional Intelligence
Company Self
Awareness + Marketplace Awareness = Strategic Intelligence
intelligence within an organization is the company’s ability to
understand both itself and environment in which it “lives” so that
the company can connect with others to achieve goals of common
interest. Unfortunately, many company leaders say, “We did strategic
planning three years ago. We don’t see the need to do that again.”
These people are thinking about creating a notebook. They aren’t
thinking about maintaining this strategic intelligence about who
they are and how they fit into their environment. They lack a
framework for understanding and developing strategic intelligence.
Company Self
“Company self awareness” is about understanding your company’s
vision, mission, values, strengths, limitations, goals and plans for
future success. It is having these so well defined that each
employee is connected and motivated to do their best work for the
However, this is
only half of true strategic intelligence. The other piece is
matching your company self-awareness with marketplace awareness that
is in-depth, accurate and timely. Strategically intelligent
companies know their customers, competitors, industry trends, future
technologies, and a whole host of other factors that are critical to
their continued success. It is the depth, accuracy and timeliness
of this information that allows these companies to connect
effectively and profitably with the world in which they “live”. If
you want to develop this kind of strategic intelligence in your
organization, consider the following suggestions:
1. Deliberately
identify and discuss the issues that are going to have the greatest
impact on your future business performance:
You need to
understand the organization at many different levels. Ask yourself,
“Why do we exist as a company? What are we good at? What are we
not good at? What matters most to us in our vision, values, and
goals? What are we doing well? Where we can continue to improve?
What specific issues do we need to address? What are the parts
(people, core competencies, resources) that make up our whole? How
can we re-arrange or leverage these parts for greater results?”
Then, consciously
and deliberately work to understand the world in which your business
exists. This includes understanding trends, such as demographic,
economic, environmental, technological, and regulatory trends. You
also need to be aware of what’s happening with your customers and
their businesses. Don’t just think about the trends that impact your
business; also think about the trends that impact your customers’
businesses. The same is true with competitors—what can you learn
about their focus, direction and probably future? To develop
strategic intelligence, you need to constantly be thinking about
these factors, testing and either re-affirming or altering past
2. Have the right
people involved:
In most
organizations, developing strategic intelligence requires that you
have everybody involved at some level. Sometimes, because of the
vision and the charisma of the leader, the process of developing
strategic intelligence will be more top down. With other
organizations, because of their diversity, their various areas of
expertise, or for other reasons that may play more to the
organization’s culture, it is more important for that strategic
intelligence process to be driven bottom up, where the front line
people are collecting data and pushing it up the organization. There
isn’t one right way to do it, but there is a cultural way to do it
based on the individual organization and what’s going to help them
develop their highest level of internal and external awareness.
In all of this,
it’s important to have the right people involved, and that means the
people who have the responsibility to execute on a plan. You also
want to involve the people who reflect the values that are most
important to the company. Political accommodation is never a good
reason to include somebody in the development of strategic
3. Determine the
right planning cycles for your business:
Different businesses have different planning cycles. There are times to
dream and plan intuitively, then times to think more analytically
and, finally, times to plan with specificity and pragmatism about
what to do next. Each of these has its own rhythm, and it’s
important for the organization to develop a sense of rhythm for each
kind of planning.
It is also
important to have a system in place to track the implementation,
execution, and relevance of your plans. Just as if you had your own
stock exchange that you’re watching daily, there should be a system
of tracking your performance that helps you maintain a current and
relevant strategic intelligence.
Your Strategic
Intelligence Determines Your Future:
strategic intelligence is maintaining a dynamic awareness between
understanding your business and its relation to everything in the
world that impacts it. It is a constant cycle of learning, thinking
about what you’ve learned, and then creating or revising plans. You
can no longer think about it once a year and call it “strategic
planning.” If you’re not developing your strategic intelligence all
the time, things are probably changing beyond the scope of your
awareness. So start developing your company’s strategic
intelligence today - it’s one great way to ensure your company
survives in the future.
Read other articles and learn more about
Ron Price.
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