Breakthrough for the Business Person:�
How to
Overcome Career Disappointment�
By Paul Davis
Have you
ever heard the following disappointing statements?
“I’m sorry.
You just aren’t a good fit for us.”
“You are over qualified.”
“We are currently downsizing and sadly are going
to have to let you go.”
“We wanted to invite you to the team party but
we didn’t think you’d be interested.”
is something we all deal with at different times in our lives.
When your vision for the future is nowhere to be seen, it is
easy to be disillusioned. Nevertheless
there is a way to create your world and to get your internal reality
to manifest outwardly. Be
encouraged!� Your present
reality is not your destiny!� Here
are 7 Secrets to Overcome Career Disappointment:
1. See the big picture: Hold to your inward vision despite that which
you see going on around about you.
If you can see it, you can conceive it.
Your vision is your ultimate mission.
Though your current job may not be your ultimate goal, your
vision should expand beyond where you are now and aim for where you
want to be. Remember that
others may not share your visions, but don’t let that deter you from
realizing them.
2. Don’t sweat the small stuff: It is almost always easier to dodge a
rock than if someone were to come up and throw sand in your eyes.
Don’t let trivial irritants obscure your vision and thwart
your progression toward your future.
While these small things can often be the most aggravating,
they are also the easiest to overcome.
Focus on the future and stay on track in your journey to get
there. Tune out to the
small stuff that comes to distract you from your dream and detour you
en route to your future.
3. See problems as opportunities: Consider problems as opportunities
for you to arise and shine. Rise
above the mediocrity and manifest your creativity.
Doctors get paid for solving medical problems, lawyers get paid
to solve legal problems and mechanics get paid to solve car problems.
therefore are a pathway to your next promotion.
While others meander in the mud of mediocrity and allow
problems to bury them, let them carry you to your future as you show
yourself a problem-solver and someone who can be counted on to provide
visionary leadership.
4. Be a peacemaker and an encourager: Workplace strife fills and floods
the lives of many. Try to
avoid such negative counterproductive energy.
Be a peacemaker and bridge builder.
By doing so you will make friends, feel better and find new
ways to overcome organizational obstacles.
There are
far too many tearing each other down and far too few building one
another up. Avoid the trap
of discouragement by being a continual source of encouragement to
yourself and those around about you.
Infuse people with energy through encouragement and make
yourself an indispensable source of motivation.
a world filled with negativity and fiery feedback, some positive
encouragement can sustain someone during their darkest hour.
Encouragement gives us the much-needed lift in our self-esteem
and personal image we often need during desperate times.
5. Replace anxiety with creativity: Don’t be overly anxious.
Anxiety drains you of your energy and immobilizes your
resourcefulness. Attempt
to see things from a different perspective.
Get various viewpoints from others outside of your scope of
employment. Evaluate all
the alternatives available until you determine the most appropriate
course of action.
emotional drama and trauma can cause one to be less than productive
and greatly hinder personal resourcefulness.
Agonizing perpetually over something beyond your control
depletes your energy and stifles creativity.
Turn problems into opportunities by counting disappointments as
reappointments as you position yourself to be a problem solver.
6. Be a lifelong learner: There are two types of growth: inward and
outward. Most look for
outward growth, profitability and expansion.
Yet inward growth is equally if not more important.
For without inner growth, outward growth never occurs, neither
can it be sustained.
Commit to
be a lifelong learner. Continually
listen, learn and explore new bodies of knowledge.
The greatest minds and highest achievers are committed to
continual personal growth and inward expansion.
They challenge themselves intellectually and endeavor to have
new experiences personally that will build them inwardly.
personal growth and self-mastery will build inner momentum, which
ultimately will overflow into every area of your life.
Being a lifelong learner allows for growth in every arena of
life, which sets countless miracles in motion as you see success all
around you.
7. Set your intent and follow your instincts: Planning everything to
the nth degree is not always the answer.
Sometimes excessive planning thwarts your creativity and
spontaneity. You don’t
always have to know how it is going to happen.
Just set your intent as to that which you want to happen.
Then, follow by your gut and instincts.
you will know what to do. Stop
questioning yourself. Trust
your internal knowings and move on them!�
Trusting and yielding to your instincts breeds inward
confidence and causes you to be increasingly resourceful.
let disappointment get you down. Your
perception is your reality. Therefore
see disappointment differently. See
disappointment as a reappointment routing you to your destiny.
Transition though temporary pain can be both beneficial and
give away your power. Remember
you are in the driver’s seat. Create
your world by manifesting your internal reality outwardly.
Be encouraged!� Your
present reality is not your destiny!�
You have the power to live your dreams and achieve
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about Paul
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