Want to Be a Top Producer?
Then Create Balance
in Your Work and Life
By Jerry Pujals
all heard the saying that all work and no play makes Jack (or Jill) a
dull person. Well, that saying is not just a cute statement of life.
It actually means that a person who never takes time off from work
becomes both boring and bored. So if you opt to work seven days a
week, twelve hours a day, you’re doing yourself more harm than good.
No matter
what part of the country you work in, no matter what your background,
no matter what your family or financial situation, you must have a
balance between your personal and professional life. In fact, it’s
impossible to produce at high levels without a personal life.
Yes, this
philosophy goes against the American work ethic, which says to push
yourself to the breaking point to get ahead. So many people these days
think it’s normal to work seven days a week, to never take a
vacation, and to sacrifice family time for financial gain. Well,
that’s not the case in business. That’s right…if you want to
reach the top dog status, you must take time off and have a work/life
The fact
is that you cannot work ninety hours a week and be a millionaire.
Sure, you may be able to pull it off for a short period of time, but
fairly quickly something will start to fall apart. Maybe it’ll be
your marriage or your health. Whatever it is, you can be sure it will
happen. What’s funny, though, is that the top producers—the ones
who consistently earn at high levels—always have family and personal
time built into their schedules. Always!
the Expectation:
many businesspeople feel guilty when they spend time with their family
or pursuing personal interests. They feel they must be available for
their clients at all times—weekends and evenings if need be. Look at
many business cards today and you’ll see that many give out their
cell phone number, home number, and some even their home address.
Unknowingly, these workers are setting the expectation that they are
available 24/7, rain or shine, sickness or health. And that’s no way
to run a business.
While you
should be accessible for your clients, you must also have some
boundaries in your professional relationships. If you’re new to the
business, then you more than likely will have to work weekends to get
yourself established. That’s fine. But you still must plan some
other time off for yourself during the week.
you’re established in the business and you are still working every
weekend, then maybe you really need to look at how efficient you’re
being while you’re working. Are you sticking to your established
schedule? Once your business is established, there’s no reason for
you to be working seven days a week. For example, one real estate
agent in Colorado only works three days a week, sells about 270 homes a year, and earns
approximately $4.5 million a year. That’s efficiency!
it’s your responsibility to tell clients what your days off are.
They won’t guess, and they can’t read your mind. So if they ask
you to meet with them on Thursday, and you take off on Thursdays, you
must set the expectation. Don’t meet with them anyway and then be
mad that they made you work on your day off. The client did not make
you work on your day off; you made yourself work on your day off
because you did not set the expectation. Hiding your schedule from
clients will only create problems later.
to Schedule:
often wonder what kind of personal things they should be putting in
their schedule. Put in whatever is important to you. Some things you
may want to schedule are your kid’s sports events, dinner with your
spouse, time to work on your favorite hobby, commitments to personal
groups or clubs you belong to, etc. There’s no right or wrong thing
to schedule. The important thing is that you do it.
putting these items in your schedule is only step one. Next you need
to have accountability to these personal items. Perhaps your spouse
can keep you accountable for your scheduled “date nights.” Maybe
your kids will keep you accountable for going to their events.
Whatever it is, be sure to tell your family and friends what you’re
scheduling in your planner. When they know you have time set aside for
them, they’ll help ensure you keep your word. After all, you don’t
want to let down your family and friends, do you?
Much Balance is Enough?
you’re starting out in the business, you must have at least one full
day to recharge your batteries. This is one day when you’re
completely unplugged from the office and from clients. You don’t
take any phone calls, return any e-mails, or even think about work.
This is a day just for you.
This may
sound scary for some people, especially you Type A control freaks, but
relax…the office won’t fall apart without you. And your clients
won’t abandon you and work with another agent just because you took
a day off. Remember, set the expectation upfront and no one will mind.
As your
business grows, or if you’re already established in the business,
then you must take at least two days off per week. They don’t have
to be two consecutive days (although that is best), and they don’t
have to be weekends. You simply need to take two days. Why? Because as
you get established, your efficiency should naturally be increasing.
You can accomplish more in less time, so there’s no reason to work
more than five days per week. Also, when you produce at higher levels,
your brain and body will require more relaxation time so you can stay
at peak performance.
when you push yourself and overwork yourself, you begin to develop a
sour attitude. You may secretly resent those clients who want to meet
with you on weekends or whatever days off you want. You may resent
colleagues who seem to work less but make more money than you.
Resentment, anger, and frustration are not traits of successful
businesspeople. A positive attitude, enthusiasm, and a love of the
business are the traits that propel people to the top. And you can’t
possess those traits consistently if you’re not allowing yourself
time to rest.
Little “R & R” Goes a Long Way: The bottom
line is that you must have a balance between your work and personal
life. Without it, your career, your health, and even your family life
will suffer. No career is worth that price. So work diligently to
maintain balance. When you do, you’ll be able to hob-knob with all
the other top dogs as you sit by the pool on your day off.
Read other articles and learn more
about Jerry Pujals.
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