Techniques That Give You Power and How to Stand Up for Yourself
By Linnda Durr�,
Assertiveness training is one of the most important tools for
managers. Rid yourself of childhood restrictions, fear, hesitation,
and social misinformation. Know the difference between being
aggressive - bullying, yelling, screaming, intimidation - and being
assertive - being diplomatic, strong, factual, clear, and firm,
which can successfully solve interpersonal difficulties with your
employees and in your life. Stop being a martyr, a victim, and a
doormat. Avoid blaming other people for your situation. Believe that
there is a workable resolution. Take responsibility and stand up for
yourself to get what you need and want from others in a caring,
direct way. Good managers know how to be positive, identify the
faulty behavior, and focus quickly on a win/win solution.
Here are the
steps of assertiveness:
1) State the
Problem: Use “The Sandwich Technique” - Start out with a
positive compliment about the person, then go directly to the
problem and give feedback stating it clearly and giving examples of
the toxic or faulty behavior and how you want it to change, and then
end on a positive note of what you’d like to have happen..
Bob: “Jack, you are
a valued co-worker here, and we’ve been working together for five
years. We’ve noticed your work isn’t in on time and I’m wondering
what’s wrong. It’s unlike you. Is there anything I or the company
can do to help you meet your deadlines?”�
2) State Your
Feelings: Say how the person’s behavior makes you feel. Use
words like frustrated, angry, and annoyed. Be specific. Avoid
accusations and blame.
Bob: “When your
work isn’t completed on time, it slows up the whole department
because we all depend on your reports. When you don’t give me
advance notice, I can’t make arrangements with the others. I need to
know what’s wrong so we can correct it. When you don’t tell me
what’s happening, I feel cut out of the loop, powerless, and
3) Offer
Solutions: Give the person various options for their behavior
and how much better it would be when behavior changes.
Bob: “What can I do
to help you to get the reports in on time? Do you need another
administrative assistant for a few days? Do you need to partner up
with someone to share the workload? Are there any problems at work I
can take care of? Let me know so we can fix it.”
4) Give An
Ultimatum: If the situation doesn’t improve, you’ll have to
issue an ultimatum. Some people like to include it with the first
conversation so the other person knows where they stand. State what
you intend to do if compliance isn’t achieved like reporting it to
the boss or HR.
Bob: “If you can’t
get the reports in on time, let me know immediately. If your work
continues to be late you are jeopardizing your position at the
company and you may be demoted or fired. I may have to report it to
our boss or HR if it’s not corrected and I’d rather not have to do
that, so please get the reports in on time.”
5) Look and
Listen: Hear the person’s response and their feedback. Be quiet
and listen to what the person is saying and how they’re saying it.
Observe their body language. Know they saying between the lines.
Use Active Listening techniques to establish rapport by paraphrasing
what you hear.
Bob: “I understand
that you thought you could get it done without coming to me, and now
you see you couldn’t do it. I know how hard you’re working and what
pressure you must feel.”
6) Dialogue:
Have an honest discussion, listen, don’t interrupt each other, and
comment on each thing the person says--be prepared to hear them
remark on each thing you have said and respond accordingly.
Bob: “I’m not here
to blame you, I’m here to find a win/win solution that works for all
of us. Let’s see how we can remedy this. Perhaps an assistant will
be the solution. Let me schedule an assistant and get this process
started right now.”
7) Resolution:
Decide what the action plan will be and agree on it, perhaps in
Bob: “So, Jack, our
agreement is that I’ll schedule you for an assistant for several
weeks so you’ll be able to catch up and get your reports in on
8) Follow Up:
Send a letter and/or email summarizing the discussion and what the
decision was. He should cc it to whoever might also be affected -
bosses, other co-workers, and HR to cover himself and others. He
can email it, and I recommend
hand delivering it
so people can’t say, “I never got it.” According to a tech
consultant, approximately 5%-7% of all emails never reach their
intended place. Add a sentence at the end, like, “If you have any
questions about or additions to this memo, please respond in
This allows the co-worker recourse to respond, and insures
that you have covered your back, which is crucial in any company,
whether you are the co-worker, boss, or owner. People can say, “I
never said that,” or “I didn’t agree to that,” but if you put it in
writing, then you’re covered. Ask them to send a reply email,
agreeing to the solution.
These steps of assertiveness can assist and empower you,
whether you’re a co-worker, manager, or a boss in dealing with toxic
situations. Be clear, firm, and compassionate. Stay focused,
communicate honestly and open, and cooperate for a win/win solution.
It works!
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Linnda Durr�
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